Modern Small Arms (1980-2016)
We have an extensive stock of small arms that we have categorised as Modern Firearms. Our Live Firing and Blank Firing small arms ave available for hire for Film, TV and Theatre contracts through our section 5 armoury service, Rent-A-Gun. We also have Deactivated and replica models of most of our stock for contracts where the weapons do not need to fire.
Showing all 45 results
Accuracy International-L96A1- AW Sniper Rifle- Replica (product code RFA001)
American Browning .50 Cal Heavy Machine Gun- Deactivated (product code DFA008)
American Colt M4A1- Full Tactical Mode- Replica (product code RFA002)
American Colt M4A1- Iron Sights – Replica (product code RFA003)
AR15 Tactical Carbine- Replica (product code-RFA079)
Baby Browning-plastic replica (product code RFA004)
Belgian FAL Self Loading Rifle – 7.62 Cal – Live firing
Belgian Made FN Stg58 SLR (Self Loading Rifle)- Deactivated (Product code- DFA022)
Beretta 92 FS- 9mm- Semi Automatic Pistol – Live Firing
Beretta FS92 Semi Automatic Pistol- Plastic Replica (product code-RFA005)
Beretta FS92-Metal Replica (product code RFA006)
Black Hunting Rifle-Air Rifle-Deactivated (product code RFA007)
British L85A2 Service Rifle- SUSAT Optical sights- Replica (product code RFA008)
British SA80 – Replica (product code RFA009)
Browning .50 Cal Heavy Machine Gun
Canadian Made NEA 15 Carbine – 556cal – Live firing
Chinese made AK47- T55 folding stock- Deactivated (product code DFA013)
Colt Mk IV- series 80-Semi Automatic Pistol- Plastic Replica (product code RFA010)
Colt Python-357 Magnum CTG- Plastic Replica (product code RFA011)
Colt Python-357 Magnum-Plastic Replica (product code RFA012)
FN Minimi- 5.56 Light Machine Gun- Replica (product code RFA013)
Glock Gen 17 – 9mm – Semi Automatic Pistol – Live Firing
Glock Generation 17- 4 Semi Automatic Pistol- Replica- Non-Firing
H&K G3 NATO Service Rifle. 7.62 cal- Live Firing
H&K MP5 9mm Machine Pistol- Tactical Fore grip fitted- Live Firing
H&K MP5 Machine Pistol. 9mm cal- Live Firing
Heckler & Koch P9S-Semi Automatic Pistol- Replica (product code RFA014)
Israel Manufactured Mini Uzi Sub Machine Gun- Replica (product code RFA015)
Israeli Uzi 9mm Machine Pistol- folding stock – Replica (product code RFA016)
Israeli Uzi-SMG-9mm-Deactivated (product code DFA017)
Norenco Commander – 45 ACP – Semi Automatic Pistol – Live Firing
RPK 74- Light Machine Gun- Replica (product code-RFA080)
Ruger Revolver- Replica (product code RFA017)
Russian AK47 Assault Rifle. Chinese Type 55. 7.62 cal- Live Firing
S&W M3000 Pump Action Shot Gun- Replica (product code RFA019)
Sig-Sauer P229 Pistol- Replica (product code RFA020)
Smith & Wesson- 44 Magnum- Plastic Replica (product code RFA021)
Soviet AK47 Assault Rifle- Deactivated (product code DFA016)
Standard-22 Air Rifle-Deactivated
Taurus PT-111 9mm Auto Pistol- Replica (product code RFA023)
Valken ASL Series M4 AEG Rifle- Replica M4 Carbine (product code RFA078)
Vintage Air Rifle-Underlever Action-Deactivated
Walther PPK- semi automatic pistol- Plastic replica (product code RFA024)
Yugoslavian M70 Assault Rifle. 7.62 cal – Live Firing
Yugoslavian M72 Assault Rifle. 7.62 cal – Heavy Barrel- Live Firing